Drinking Totally Derma daily contributes to skin firmness, elasticity and hydration, longer, stronger hair and nails, more flexible joints, stronger bones, improved gut health, and is a key supplement for peri and post-menopausal women..

What are the benefits of Totally Derma?

High levels of hyaluronic acid (210mg per daily serving) deeply hydrate the skin from within, leaving it softer, smoother and plumper. Essential vitamins, antioxidants and minerals work at the deeper layers of the to aid collagen production and repair damaged skin cells.

Totally Derma Nutraceutical Collagen Drink Supplement is an advanced nutraceutical supplement that combines high levels of bio-absorbable collagen, hyaluronic acid and other scientifically proven ingredients to promote collagen synthesis and maintain skin health. The combined levels of collagen and hyaluronic acid in Totally Derma are higher than other leading collagen drinks on the market, providing exceptional results.

Benefits Of Totally Derma Nutraceutical Collagen Drink Supplement:

  • Restores healthy, youthful skin from within
  • Results can be seen in as little as two months
  • Contains higher combined levels of collagen and hyaluronic acid than other collagen-boosting drinks
  • One 360g tub provides a 30-day supply
  • A very pleasant tasting flavour with a hint of vanilla

One of the key ingredients is Arthred®, a patented, highly pure and bioavailable source of bovine hydrolysed collagen. The therapeutic dosage of 10,000mg per daily serving provides 20 times more superior quality than other forms of powdered bovine collagen. It works from within the plump and firm the skin, dramatically improving the appearance of lines and wrinkles.

Our skin is a visible reflection of what is going on inside our body. Eczema, dry skin, acne and rosacea can be linked to gut health as their root cause. A great diet and proper hydration is key to healthy skin.

A compromised digestive system won’t allow this to happen and we won’t receive the essential nutrients for our physiological and aesthetic processes to function properly.

Why is collagen important for the skin?

Enzymatically hydrolysed collagen amino acid peptides help the skin regain elasticity and firmness and soften the fine lines and wrinkles. Moreover, collagen plays a huge role in stimulating gut health, both directly by providing the gut lining with the necessary amino acid peptides for repair, and indirectly by regulating the stress and sex hormones that affect gut functioning. The balance in the gut microbiome is essential for radiant, young, and blemish-free skin.

Immunity and gut health

Boost immunity by cutting out sugar and limit alcohol; eat a diet rich in vegetables, good fats and fibre.

If gut health deteriorates, this leads to Leaky Gut. If left unchecked, can cause autoimmune responses.

L-Glutamine is an amino acid which can repair and reverse the damaging affects of Leaky Gut Syndrome (when intestinal barriers no longer have tight junctions, holes form in the lining, causing toxins to leak into the blood stream).

Consuming Totally Derma® helps form connective tissue and “heals and seals” the protective lining of the gastrointestinal tract.

How does gut health affect skin?

Many studies support the existence of an intimate and bidirectional relationship between the gut and the skin. While certain gut bacteria encourage the anti-inflammatory response in the body, others facilitate inflammatory cell growth, which reflects onto the skin, causing acne and other skin conditions. The gut microbiome can also be affected by the emotional and nervous states. For example, feelings of worry, panic, stress, and anxiety are linked to adverse changes in the gut microflora that impact the skin negatively. The gut plays a very significant role in the metabolism of hormones and hormones have proven to greatly impact the health of the skin. There is more and more research, indicating that estrogen, the hormone that is said to be the key hormonal trigger when it comes to skin health may be affected by the gut microbiota.

  • Is anti-inflammatory and improves gut health for reducing skin conditions like acne, rosacea, eczema
  • Supports recovery for athletes and general fitness
  • Supports post-surgical and non-surgical procedures
  • Supports post-partum
  • Adjunct holistic support for in-clinic procedures i.e. peels, lasers, microneedling, non-invasive facelifts.
  • Is anti-inflammatory and improves gut health for reducing skin conditions like acne, rosacea, eczema
  • Supports recovery for athletes and general fitness
  • Supports post-surgical and non-surgical procedures
  • Supports post-partum
  • Adjunct holistic support for in-clinic procedures i.e. peels, lasers, microneedling, non-invasive facelifts

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