
Dermal Fillers

At True You Skin Clinics we use a number of Dermal fillers and tailor these depending on your area to be treated. Dermal fillers may be used for a number of indications..

What are they?

Dermal filler are made up of Hyaluronic Acid (HA), which is a natural occurring molecule. It works a little like a sponge absorbing water up to 1000 times its own weight. Hyaluronic acid fillers are widely used in the United Kingdom due to their high levels of safety and reliability. It is a natural substance which can be found in every living organism. As a result it is biocompatible and side-effects are very rare. Around thirty million individuals have benefited from treatment with hyaluronic acid fillers. Hyaluronic acid fillers come in varying levels of thickness and so they are a flexible option to improve different sections of the face. Thinner fillers are more suitable for wrinkles and fine lines, or enrichment of the lips, while thicker fillers are able to address very deep wrinkles and volume loss, lasting between six and twelve months

How do they work?

Dermal fillers achieve a plumping effect by placing the product under the layers of the skin. Different fillers achieve this goal in slightly different ways. It is a non surgical treatment that will improve fine lines and wrinkles by adding volume, improving folds and sagging skin.

The treatment is successful by taking advantage of the basic roles and functions of the skin, which can also help in fully understanding the procedure. The human skin is made up of two layers, namely the epidermis and the dermis. The outermost layer is the epidermis and its main function is to serve as protection against the effects of the environment and other components. It controls water loss from tissues and cells, thus serving as a barrier to the outside environment.

The dermis layer is right below the epidermis and constitutes the skin’s structural elements, such as nerves, hair follicles and blood vessels. The growth of cells and blood vessels is enhanced through a framework provided by a network of fibres that is formed by protein.

The major component of the dermis is collagen which gives the skin its firm elasticity and strength, offering fundamental support to the skin. As one grows old the ageing process causes the upper layer (the epidermis) to gradually become thin and provides less protection to the dermis layer. In addition, collagen production in the body slows down considerably as the existing collagen becomes ineffective.

This then causes wrinkles, folds, depressions and other forms of skin abnormalities associated with old age. It is at this point that dermal fillers become necessary to reduce the consequences of the deteriorating epidermis and weakened collagen. Dermal fillers technically work as replenishment for the natural collagen which has been rendered less effective by the ageing process. They work as collagen and, depending on the quality of the system used, impressive results can be achieved.

At True You Skin Clinics, we only use FDA approved Dermal Fillers; this ensures you are undertaking a treatment that gives maximum results and reduces health risks.

Who are contraindicated for Dermal Fillers?

People who suffer from the following conditions are contraindicated for Dermal Fillers: Pregnant or breast feeding, If you have an active infection.

What should I expect during my treatment?

Before having dermal filler treatment you will  need to undertake a consultation with our medical team.

They will discuss  with you through the process of selecting the best dermal filler for your skin. This is also a great opportunity to discuss the results you would like to achieve. Consent is also signed before undergoing treatment to ensure the patient understands possible effects. The initial treatment can often take place during the first visit.

Treatments involving wrinkles and lines often require anaesthetic cream, which is applied around twenty minutes prior to having treatment. The function of the cream is to help numb the area for treatment and reduce pain when the injection is used. Depending on the type of filler and the area undergoing treatment, different types of injection will be used. In the treatment of filling out wrinkles there are two injection techniques that can be used: the linear threading technique and the serial puncture technique.

 To maintain the results of treatment top ups may be performed, depending on the type of filler used. 

Most people will have no problem going back to work immediately after treatment . If all instructions for dermal fillers are followed and prior measures are taken to ensure the right filler is selected, the process will be comfortable, fast and provide an effective recovery time

What should I expect following my treatment?

Following your treatment you may experience some redness, swelling or tenderness at the treatment site. Occasionally some bruising may occur around the treated area; this is usually short term and will subside withing a few days. Lip treatments may take a little longer to settle, sometimes a week later.

What are the common side-effects?

 The treatments are not normally very painful but this will depend on the type of pain control in operation and the specific area of injection. More pain is usually encountered in treatments around the lip and nose areas. The most common side-effects include bruising, bleeding, itching, skin discoloration, viral infection, bacterial infection, redness and swelling at the region of injection, allergic reactions, lumps under the skin and skin ulceration in the injected area.

The important point to note is that most of these effects are expected when going through dermal treatment, and that they will disappear within a period of two to three days. If they persist then it becomes necessary to check with a qualified medical person to ensure everything is normal and there is no problem.

After care advice

Until the initial swelling has resolved, do not use sunbeds, saunas, steam rooms and avoid extreme temperatures. You will be asked to wear a sun protection of minimum 30 SPF. If you are taking Aspirin or any similar medication this may increase the risk of bruising at the injection site. Do not rub or massage the treated area unless asked by your practitioner. Avoid applying make up for 12 hours and avoid touching the area for at least 6 hours post treatment. If you have undertaken a lip treatment you may be asked to use a cream following your treatment.

What Dermal fillers are used at True You?
Prices - for a full price list please download our AP where prices can be seen.

Belotero Glabellar 1ml – £210

Rediesse Hand Rejuvenation – £330

Belotero 1ml – £210

Lip Volumisation 0.5ml –  from £180

Lip Volumisation 1ml –  from £280

None Surgical Rhinoplasty – from  £350

Nose to Mouth Lines –  from £262

Profhilo – £500

Radiesse Plus 0.8ml – £180

Radiesse 1.5ml – £375

Smokers Lines 1ml Beletero – £210

Tear Trough – £420

Hydrobooster £250 per ml

Cheek volumisation from £272

Jawline from £272

Concerns Treated

Ageing Hands
Dark Circles
Forehead & Frown Lines
Loss of Volume
Sagging Jaw Line
Thinning Lips
Un-even Nose Shape

For more information please contact our Nurse Practitioner on +44(0)1133458682.


Suffering from acne since starting puberty at 11. I persevered with many treatment, pill and washes from doctors, which miserably failed. I finally discovered Lindsey’s miracle treatments. Although I was dubious that this would not work as nothing else has before now, I was willing to try anything. She recommended I have medical microdermabrasion and skin peels to shift the acne, she also suggested I use a dermaroller therapy to treat the scaring left from years of picking and squeezing. I know that without this treatment I would still be going round in circles with prescriptions and high street products which just made things worse for me, my only regret is not finding out about this earlier. Now I am so glad to have finally got clear face and my confidence back, at last I feel like a women and not a spotty teen any more. I am thankful to Lindsey for her care, she made my number one wish come true.

Sarah, Leeds
I have visited many skin clinics over the years with my problematic skin ( acne ) on each and every occasion they have tried to sell me unsuitable products and treatments rather than trying to help me control my skin. Lindsey has not only been extremely helpful and knowledgeable but will also only ever advise on products and treatment that will benefit my skin rather than a hard sell. Not only would I recommend this clinic to others but will not use any other clinic in the future. It makes a refreshing change to know there are still clinics out that that care about customers rather than just wanting to sell products and treatments that are unsuitable

Laura, Leeds
I came to the clinic to see Lindsey after suffering from acne for 13years! I didn’t even like taking my make up off! She made me feel really relaxed! After regular microderm sessions my skin is amazing! My confidence has soared and I am happy to go without makeup! Microderm will be a part of my skincare routine forever!


Book a consultation

Leeds: 0113 345 8682

Bradford: 01274 622480

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