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Moisturisers Are An Addiction
Moisturisers Are An Addiction Everywhere you look there are bombarding messages from self-proclaimed beauty gurus and skincare brands insisting that moisturising your face is an imperative. But guess what? Your face does not actually need any moisturisers. It is more...
Looking After Your Skin This Winter
It may seem counter intuitive – all of that frozen white stuff is a form of water, right – but winter can actually be more drying and harder on your skin than summer. During the winter months most of the moisture in the air is tied up in solid forms of precipitation....
Winter Skin
Winter Skincare Tips Article by Howard Murad, M.D."Cold winter air holds less moisture so it’s the driest time of year as far as your skin is concerned. Couple that naturally dry air with wind and indoor heating, which literally bakes moisture from the skin, and the...