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Our Blog
Safety in injectable treatments
Lindsey McEnroe, Senior Nurse Practitioner True You Skin Clinics constantly seek to improve and invest in best practice to ensure our patients receive safe , treatments using the latest technology . The rise in popularity of the ‘Botox party’ across the UK is of...
What is the Dermalux Flex MD
Tell me more about the Dermalux Flex ! Our blog explains all about phototherapy and the benefits to your skin . Dermalux Flex is a clincally proven FDA approved phototherapy treatment.. LED Light therapy targets the skin at tissue, cellular and subcellular levels....
New Skin clinic opening in Idle Village Bradford
New Clinic opening in Idle Bradford ! We are pleased to announce that our NEW clinic in Idle will be opening soon . Launch date 2nd November 2023 Join us for a glass of fizz betwenn 2-8 pm . Meet our practitioners and Clinic Managers. Treatments on offer: Hydrafcial...