Laser Tattoo Removal

You may have a professional or amateur tattoo that may have seemed like a good idea at the time, but now you want to get rid of it completely or reduce it sufficiently to tattoo over. Indeed, you may have a trauma related, cosmetic or medical tattoo that you would like to obliterate. Help is at hand and leading plastic surgeons and dermatologists regard laser as the superior method for the removal of unwanted tattoos of all types.


-We treat tattoo removal to the body and face.

We are also experienced in  eye brow and microbladding tattoo removal 

For more information please contact our Nurse Practitioner on +44(0)1133458682.

Over the moon with my first tattoo removal! Stephen & Mary-Ann are so lovely & professional with no judgement of poor tattoo choices! Thank you very much guys! LH Sheffield

I’m having treatment to reduce and remove a shoulder tattoo from many years ago. The first treatment was unbelievably pain free and so far, 4 weeks in I’m amazed at the results I’m seeing. I’m looking forward to my next session as I was very nervous but was immediately put at ease, talked through the process, and given information afterwards – Thank you! NM Leeds

What to expect :
• Treatment Time – 5 minutes to over an hour dependent on type/size
• Back to Work – Immediately
• Anaesthetic – None / Topical if required
• Sensitivity Period – 7 days+
• Visible Results – Improvement after first treatment
• Number of Treatments – Dependent on type/quality of tattoo – 2 to 8+
• Possible Side Effects – Redness, bleeding, irritation, itchiness, blistering
• Duration of Results – Permanent
What to expect :
• Treatment Time – 5 minutes to over an hour dependent on type/size
• Back to Work – Immediately
• Anaesthetic – None / Topical if required
• Sensitivity Period – 7 days+
• Visible Results – Improvement after first treatment
• Number of Treatments – Dependent on type/quality of tattoo – 2 to 8+
• Possible Side Effects – Redness, bleeding, irritation, itchiness, blistering
• Duration of Results – Permanent
How does Tattoo removal work ?
The Harmony XL Pro™ laser tattoo removal treatment uses high power Q-Switched Nd: YAG 1064nm and KTP 532nm laser light treatment to shatter the ink pigments. Tattoo ink particles are too large for the body’s immune system to remove naturally because when tattoo pigment is injected into the lower layers of the skin (dermis) it becomes locked away by a wall of collagen fibres. Q-switched lasers produce very short bursts of high energy laser light.
The light is absorbed by the large ink particles, generating heat that shatters the tattoo pigment into minute particles which the body is able to remove. Because the laser energy is selectively absorbed by the tattoo ink, the surrounding skin doesn’t overheat and there is no lasting damage. Six to eight weeks between treatments are required to allow the body to eliminate the damaged pigment. Therefore, the duration of your treatment course can be over several months.

Is it Safe ?
The Harmony XL Pro™ Tattoo Removal system is clinically proven to be both safe and effective.
How does it work
Tattoo ink seen as a foreign body in the skin layer. Laser light targets the pigment in the ink that causes photo acoustic fragmentation of the ink particles. These particles are removed by phagocytes and drained out of the body through the lymphatic system.
IS it safe for Me ?
Q-Switched Nd: YAG 1064nm and KTP 532nm laser light can be used on all skin types.

• Possible Side Effects – Redness, bleeding, irritation, itchiness, blistering

• Duration of Results – Permanent

Prices start from £50 per individual treatment and your tailored package will be discussed during your consultation.

Before & After

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