Your concerns

Thread Veins

Thread veins are very fine veins that are often visible on the cheeks, nose and legs. They are very common, and can be red, blue or purple in colour. If you have thread veins that you are very conscious of, and would like clearer skin, there are a number of options available to treat them.

What are thread veins?

Most people will be aware of thread veins. Mainly due to how common thread veins are, affecting around 80% of adults. Thread veins are small blood vessels in the most superficial layer of the skin (the dermis) which have become dilated and visible. Thread veins most commonly appear on your legs or face, but you can find them on the parts of your body that have underlining vein problems.  

Why do people get thread veins?

Thread veins often make us feel very self-conscious.  They are damaged veins and broken capillaries just below the skin. As you age, your skin loses collagen and becomes thinner, so when veins expand they become visible through your skin. Thread veins are extremely common in men and women. They are often caused by long-term sun exposure, pregnancy, alcohol, smoking and standing for long periods.  They are also linked to rosacea, a common red rash or red patches of skin around inflammed skin. These usually develop as we age. 

What treatments are available?

We offer a number of treatments to treat facial and thread veins on the body. These include:




Harmony Laser 



Advanced Electrolysis  from £50

IPL from £100

Laser from £150

Thermavein from £200

Treatments Available

At True You Skin Clinics we offer the following treatment to treat Tread Veins


Advanced Electrolysis

Please call +44(0)1133458682 for further information and to book consultation.


Book a consultation

Leeds: 0113 345 8682

Bradford: 01274 622480

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True You Skin Clinics

True You Skin Clinics is an award winning nurse led clinic offering advanced non surgical treatments in Leeds and Huddersfield. We believe each client is unique and treatments are tailored to each individuals goals. We believe in enhancing the True You, restoring, rejuvenating and bringing out your inner beauty.

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