Get the Pumk and plump it up ?

So why is Pumpkin so good for us ?

Pumpkin is a major source of Vitamin C . Vitamin C is known to protect the skin from free radical damage,

Antioxidants such as Carotenoids, Alpha-carotene and beta-carotene  are protective this is what gives the pumpkins their fantastic orange colour.These antioxidants are known to protect us against  sun damage ,wrinkles and even skin cancer.

This can lead to an improves skin texture and aid to reversing UV damage.

These antioxidants   can help promote  production of collagen, thus proving the condition of your skin and elasticity.

Pumpkins are also high in Vitamin B ( niacin), B6 and folate increasing circulation and improving the cell turnover of your skin.

So plump it with your pumpkin !

Vitamin C can also be used topically. In clinic we use ZO CBright to improve the tone texture and pigmentation on the skin . To find out more about this product why not book an appointment with one of our nurse specialist and find out  how we can plump up your skin.

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