Welcome to your ZO Newsletter!

This edition of your newsletter takes a look at the important issue of how to check moles to ensure they’re not cancerous.

Look After Your Skin

Skin cancer is becoming more and more common, but catching it early can greatly increase its treatability. So it’s important to be familiar with your body and regularly check your skin for any cancerous moles. Below we look at  what you should expect from a normal, benign mole and what signs should be alarm bells for something more dangerous.

What is a normal mole?
Moles are small, often brownish coloured, spots on the skin that are made up of cells called melanocytes. Melanocytes produce the pigment in the skin which causes you to tan. Though moles are commonly brown, some may be darker or even skin-coloured. A normal mole can be flat or raised, smooth or rough, and some have hair growing from them. They are usually a circular or oval shape with a smooth circumference.

Click here for more information on the different types of moles.
Checking for Cancerous Moles
There are certain changes that occur in a mole which can indicate that it has become melanoma. If you see any of these symptoms, visit your GP immediately.

A helpful way to remember what to look for is to use the ABCDE method.

A – asymmetry
B – border irregularity
C – colour change
D – diameter
E – elevated (raised) or enlarged

There are ways you can significantly reduce your chances of developing melanoma. Check out the ZO blog for more information on warning signs and methods of prevention.

We’ll see you soon!

In our next newsletter we’ll be giving you more information about safety and what to look out for when checking moles.